Thursday, July 8, 2010

Oncotype Test Ordered and Surgery May Happen Soon

I guess I got my point across today and the Oncologist finally ordered the Oncotype test. Results should be back in 7 - 10 days.  I also spoke with the breast surgeon and will see her next Monday before leaving for NH.  She said that she could schedule surgery as soon as I get back from my trip.  I'm ready for this beast to be evicted from my body!  Seriously, get it out of here!!!  I need to be healed so I can "Hall A$$" on 8/8!!!

She also said that there is one more Pathology test that has not yet come back.  It is a Proliferation Test that scores the rate at which my tumor cells are dividing and multiplying.  Let's hope for a low score.  Here's some info about this particular test:

Everything I've read about the process of dealing with breast cancer says that once you've got a plan in place, it's far less scary.  I'm starting to get it...


  1. Good for you that things are coming together.

    Have to ask, I must have missed something. What's going on 8/8?

    You Go Girl!!!!

  2. Linda:

    On August 8th (8/8/2010), Michelle is walking in the Susan G. Komen "Race For The Cure" here in Kansas City. I will be there as well.


  3. Hooray! I think we all should thank you for sharing this journey with us. You are giving us an education in the treatment of breast cancer and handling adversity with courage and grace.


  4. Elaine is so right. You are in inspiration to us all.

    I'm so glad you got through to one of the doctors. I'm glad you are getting the test. I had no idea of the many things that are tested, and why, and the reason the decisions are so difficult. But as you said when you can see the whole picture then a decision can be made.

  5. Michelle, great news. I do have to say this is a new one on me. My girlfriend who happens to be a nurse never mentioned this type of testing. She finished chemo and her hair is growing back now. I'm amazed at how fast the hair grows back. Her protocol now that chemo is finished is taking a medication for the next five years to prevent any recurrence.

    You're amazing that you can share this with the world.


  6. Great news that the test has been ordered. Then you can finally make decisions based on complete information.

    You are amazing at how methodically you are approaching this hurddle in your life.

  7. Thanks David,
    I don't remember it being posted before.


  8. Wow...I just saw this tonight at 11:33. I commented on the next one of your postings. You are doing so well, Michelle! I loved the title of your next post! You go, girl!
